The week passed without bells or whistles. The girls were generally healthy and happy so what else could we ask for. A package from GiGi (great grandmom) arrived which brought excitement. (Have we mentioned how nice it is to receive packages in the mail? :-) )
A few photos...
Xian is finally growing into her school bag but it can be a bit heavy.
In the States, I always had the impression of orchids being timid, fragile plants. Not so here. Though they are not parasitic, the orchids clamp on tightly to trees as they flourish in Taiwan.
Matching outfits from Gigi |
Though you can't tell in this photo, Audrey got her first shave of the season this weekend. The tip of her tail is a nice tuft that immediately drew Sage's attention. Sage, who has never once pulled Audrey's tail, now attacks it trying to get the tuft.
Getting older by the day |
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