Monday, October 22, 2012

Xian's Big Day

This post is definitely late getting up due to the craziness that has ensued over the few weeks. Let us begin with the beginning, shall we? On Thursday (10/4), we woke to the birthday girl babbling away in her crib. Beaming with smiles it appeared as if she knew the day was to be all about her, and it was. A party dress and hat were donned at school and this Mommy baked classroom treats for the first time.

Friday marked the arrival of Xian’s birth mother. The evening was spent baking, cutting, gluing and gathering items for Xian’s very first birthday party.

Saturday began with a big round of banana pancakes and family breakfast around the table. Birth Mom, Sage, Xian, Frank and myself dug into to heaping portions excited to get the day going. Then, it was off to the party to set up.

Setting Xian on the floor immediately resulted in screams and clings to Mommy. This definitely set the stage for the rest of the afternoon.

Poor Xian couldn’t keep herself together as sister took a mighty catnap on Daddy’s back-conserving energy for the big event. 

As people began to arrive, Xian became more clingy and alternating between sobbing and throwing herself on the ground. Not even cake would bring the birthday girl out of the funk.

With party decorations taken down and girls loaded into the car, Xian continued with her protesting. It wasn’t until we got home and once again sat down at the dinner table that we realized she was ill. An evening spent with massive amounts of vomit ended with a trip to the emergency room and an IV.

Happy birthday to our sweet angel! We sure wish the day could’ve ended as it began. . .

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